Are you a Leader aspiring to greatness? Mastering time is key. This tool helps you identify gaps with respect to your time and take your leadership to the next level. Rate yourself out of 100 for each criterion by adjusting the sliders below:


I am accountable for my time before the one who created my time and me.


I have goals to ensure a productive life, and I live with those goals in mind.


I choose the works based on their urgency and importance.


I know, and I avoid/minimise the effect of Time Killers.


I use smart techniques to get the work done time-consciously and productively.

Your Time Leadership Index is: 0

Welcome to the “LEAD YOUR TIME” Training & Coaching Program, designed to help you take charge of your time and unlock your leadership potential.

In this program, you will gain a deeper understanding of your Time Leadership Index, a powerful tool for identifying how effectively you benefit from your time, make decisions, and lead others.

By attending this program, you will have access to insightful content on Time Leadership, discovering strategies and techniques to lead with purpose and efficiency.

Whether you participate in an individual session or join a group training, this program is tailored to meet your specific needs and help you master the art of time leadership.

Take the first step towards transforming your approach to time and leadership by booking your session today.

We look forward to guiding you on this exciting personal and professional growth journey. For more information, feel free to reach out to us:

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