Standards of Ethical Conduct

We will not knowingly make any public statements that are untrue or misleading or make false claims in any written documents relating to the coaching, training, and consultancy profession.

We accurately create, maintain, store and dispose of any records of work done in relation to the practice of coaching in a way that promotes confidentiality and complies with any applicable laws.


Professional Conduct with Clients

We are responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern any physical contact that we may have with our clients.

We construct clear agreements with our clients and honour all agreements made in the context of professional coaching, training, and consultancy relationships.

We ensure that, prior to or at the initial session, our client understands the nature of coaching, training, and consultancy, the bounds of confidentiality, financial arrangements and other terms of the agreement.

We respect the client’s right to terminate coaching at any point during the process. We will be alert to indications that the client is no longer benefiting from our training or coaching relationship.

We seek the signed consent of a legal parent or guardian if working (coaching) with a minor as defined by the laws of their state or province.

If we believe the client would be better served by another coach or trainer or consultant, or by another resource, we will encourage the client to make a change.

Client Welfare: We shall make the physical and mental well-being of each client a prime consideration.

Client Safety: We shall not engage in verbal, physical or emotional abuse of any client.

Practice Limits: We shall train or coach each client within the limits of their competence and in conformity to the applicable laws.

Reasonable Practice: We shall withhold training or coaching if a client’s behaviour, appearance or statements would lead a reasonable person to believe that the client should be evaluated by a licensed health care professional.

We will seek to avoid conflicts between our interests and the interests of our clients.

Pledge of Ethics

As professional Coaches, Trainers, & Consultants we acknowledge and agree to honour our ethical obligations to our clients and colleagues and to the public at large. We pledge to comply with the aforementioned Code of Ethics, to treat people with dignity as independent and equal human beings, and to model these standards with those whom we train or coach.