Discover Your Talent Category
This tool helps you identify your dominant talent category by scoring your responses to a set of indicators. Use the slider to rate how closely each statement matches your behaviors. At the end, you'll find out which category (Strategizer, Engager, Energizer, or Director) best describes your talent profile.
Welcome to the “PERSONAL BRANDING” Training & Coaching Program, designed to help you discover who you are and what you deserve and communicate your potential to the world.
Personal branding is not about self-promotion or creating a faulty image in front of the world.
In this program, you will better understand your Personal Brand Index, using the Global Mind Personal Branding DNA Framework to benefit from your potential and lead others effectively.
By attending this program, you will have access to insightful content on Personal Branding and discover strategies and techniques to promote your brand with purpose and efficiency.
Whether you participate in an individual session or join a group training, this program is tailored to meet your specific needs and help you place yourself where you deserve.
Take the first step towards transforming your approach to Personal Branding by booking your session today.
We look forward to guiding you on this exciting personal and professional growth journey. For more information, feel free to reach out to us: